Over the next 5 days you'll learn proven exercises and frameworks taught to +10,000 sellers to help you get back to feeling your best self in sales👇

Module #1: How Much Revenue Are You Losing Because Of Stress & Burnout?
(Unlock Today)

Find out exactly how big an impact burnout is having on your mental performance in sales and how much revenue you're potentially losing out on.

(3 minutes)

Module #2: Finding Your Source Of Burnout And High Stress
(Unlock In 1 Day)

Research has proven there are 6 common sources of burnout. Work overload is one of them. Without identifying which of the six YOU are struggling with - you'll always experience resistance and stress in your role .

(12 minutes)

Module #3: The Stress Less, Sell More Framework
(Unlock In 2 Days)

Now that we've identified the source of your burnout, in this session I introduce you the Stress Less, Sell More framework that has been taught to +10,000 sellers to help them hit their target without burning out.
(10 minutes)

Module #4: How Play Helps Us Become Mentally Resilient & Adaptable
(Unlock In 3 Days)

In this module we explore the importance of "Play" in helping us leverage play circuitry in our brains that will make us more mentally resilient and adaptable in our sales roles.
(10 minutes)

Module #5: Crafting Your Signature Move In Sales
(Unlock In 4 Days)

Sellers are the corporate athletes of the business world, which means there is a lot we can learn from great athletes in sports. In this module I teach you how to build your Signature Move and find your strength zone in sales.
(8 minutes)

Module #6: Mindset & Knowing When To Refuel Yourself
(Unlock In 5 Days)

In this final session we explore one of many mindset strategies that can be used to help you short circuit anxious thoughts that if left unchecked, can keep you locked in a high stress state.

(10 minutes)

Want to introduce this to your sales team? Use this Slack message template to encourage teammates to sign up.

Less Stress - 100% Guaranteed

"The content is spot on and I love it! Really well done and have taken a ton of tidbits away for myself and my team already." - Emily, Manager Inbound Sales, Jobber

"I've re-watched many of the modules because of how helpful they were. Going forward I'll be focusing on the MENTAL game - Himanshu, Enterprise Account Executive, Twilio

"I’m blown away by the quality of the content. As I’m going through this, I keep thinking to myself that this is the mental health content I wish I had when I was on the phones. Phenomenal." - Evan

Founder, Sales Leader, Mental Health Advocate, Author and Cancer Survivor

Welcome and I'm so excited to be taking this journey with you! As a former sales rep and sales leader working in sales for 10+ years, I know what it's like to be in your shoes.

After battling anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks throughout my sales career, a testicular cancer diagnosis when I turned 30 and then building a successful six figure business during a global pandemic, I've certainly faced my fair share of adversity.

I've taken everything I've learned about mental health, stress, mindset, resilience and mental fitness and have now coached or trained +10,000 sellers on ways to maximize their mental performance in sales.